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The CKAN Open Data Community Celebrates Investment to Strengthen the CKAN Open-Source Ecosystem by the U.S. National Science Foundation

June 17, 2024

The CKAN Open Data Community Celebrates Investment to Strengthen the CKAN Open-Source Ecosystem by the U.S. National Science Foundation

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced a significant investment to strengthen the CKAN open data ecosystem through its Pathways to Enable Open Source Ecosystems (POSE) funding program. POSE was created to support open-source technologies that provide solutions to problems of national and societal importance. The NSF investment in the CKAN ecosystem will enable people from around the...

CKAN Monthly Live Presentation

August 01, 2023

Recently, our team was invited by the CKAN community to provide an overview of the work we’ve been doing for the July session of CKAN Monthly Live. The presentation highlights the findings from our ecosystem interviews, analysis of CKAN instances, and Zoom workshops, as well as an interactive timeline that shows the developments made with each new CKAN release. We’re pleased to announce that the video from the session has been released and can be watched below.

CKAN Monthly Live...

CKAN Major Releases Timeline: A Journey of Continuous Improvement

July 20, 2023

CKAN, an open-source data management system, has evolved over the years to become one of the leading platforms for sharing and managing open data. From its humble beginnings to its latest version, 2.10, CKAN has undergone significant transformations and enhancements. In this post, we’ll look at some of the major releases that have shaped CKAN’s development, highlighting the key features and improvements introduced along the way.

Version 0.1: The Birth of CKAN (May 2006) CKAN emerged as an ambitious...

Sensemaking Workshop Recap

July 18, 2023

As part of the POSE project the team has been holding sensemaking workshops focused on different topics.

Over the past month, members of the ecosystem have attended workshops to learn about preliminary findings from the project’s discovery interviews and work together to generate ideas that could result in a larger number of people becoming and remaining active contributors in the CKAN ecosystem.

The workshops were organized around the following themes, (the summary of each workshop will be added as...

Summary of Ecosystem Interviews Released

June 30, 2023

Interviews with ecosystem participants have been an important way that we’ve learned more about the CKAN ecosystem. We’re pleased to present a summary of the themes that have emerged from these interviews with people that play very different roles in the ecosystem. We are indebted to Dr. Elise Silva for coding, analyzing, and drafting this report, which synthesizes information gathered over the span of five months with 30 different people. During these conversations, interviewees shared their motivations for being involved,...

CKAN Instance Analysis

June 19, 2023


This blog post documents the process of gaining insight into the CKAN ecosystem through the analysis of CKAN instances. Using and as starting points for portal discovery, portal URLs were compiled and tested for functionality before analyzing properties related to their size, location, and age. In all, 381 of the URLs compiled provided a response to at least one test that was consistent with that of a functioning CKAN instance. Portals were found in 59 countries; they...

Sensemaking Workshops

May 30, 2023

Upcoming Sensemaking Workshops

Join us for a series of virtual workshops to learn more about our findings so far, share insight from your own experience and connect with other members of the CKAN ecosystem.

The Workshops

The project team will share findings from interviews conducted with members of the CKAN ecosystem and also use the time to gain additional insight on themes that have emerged.

The goal of the workshops is to identify some investment opportunities that can...

Towards a Robust, Open-Source Civic Data Ecosystem

November 15, 2022

Funding provided through the National Science Foundation’s “Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems” Program will be used to develop a plan to strengthen the CKAN ecosystem

Transparency is a necessary element enabling people to hold their leaders accountable, and is essential if governments hope to build trust with the public. Since 2006, CKAN has been a critical resource enabling public agencies and civil society organizations to openly share data. The CKAN open-source software powers many open data and transparency...